
The causes of large scatter of the published data on the kinetic parameters of thermal decomposition of energetic materials, determined by methods of thermal analysis, are analyzed. It is shown that this scatter is mainly due to different contribution of secondary reactions involving gaseous products in devices differing in the design of the measurement cells. The influence of nitrogen pressure in the interval 1–100 bar on the characteristics of thermal decomposition of HMX and ammonium perchlorate in open measurement cells (crucibles with perforated lids) is examined by DSC. An increase in pressure leads to significant changes in the temperature intervals, in the shape of the heat release peaks, and in the heat of the overall decomposition reaction, ΔН d. The kinetic parameters of the thermal decomposition of HMX, calculated from the results of experiments in open and sealed crucibles at heating rates of 0.1–1.0 deg min−1, are compared.

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