
To clarify the ionization equilibrium near the ground, simultaneous measurements of the rate of ion pair production (q), the concentrations of small ions (n) and condensation nuclei (Z), and the diffusion coefficient of condensation nuclei (D) were carried out at several stations in the central area of Japan. The total rate of ion pair production (q) was estimated fromq=q(Rn)+q(Tn)+q(β)+q(γ+CR). The value ofq was estimated as 10J to 20J. The mean life (θ) and the effective attachment coefficient (β) of small ions were also estimated at each station. Correlations amongn, Z, q, andD were also studied. If we take the variation ofD into consideration, the correlation was expressed by the simple formula;q=βn Z. The dependence of β upon size of nuclei (2r) were also measured, and β was found to correlate well withD orr.

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