
Assessment of temperature sensitivity of soil organic carbon (SOC) mineralization from soils of long-term precision conservation agriculture (CA) plots is essential to forecast soil C dynamics. Under CA, varying quantity of inorganic nutrient application had differential impact on SOC. At the same time study of SOC mineralization at different simulated temperatures is important as global climate change affects C-cycle of an agro-ecosystem. To assess the impact of tillage and nutrient management on SOC build-up, a long-term study (five year old) with 3-tillage practices [ZT-zero tillage; PB-permanent beds, & CT-conventional tillage] in main plot and 4-nutrient management strategies [unfertilized, farmer fertilizer practice-FFP, recommended fertilizers-Ad-hoc and a site specific nutrient management-SSNM] in sub-plot in a maize-wheat-mungbean system was chosen. To measure the build-up and thermal sensitivity of SOC, soil samples from 3- depths (0–7.5, 7.5–15 and 15–30 cm) were collected. The kinetics of C-mineralisation was studied through laboratory incubation at 3-temperatures (27, 32 and 37 °C) for 90 days. The PB/ZT and SSNM had significantly higher SOC compared with CT and unfertilized plots, respectively. Although the cumulative C mineralization after 90-days of incubation followed the trend of SOC content among the treatments, while decay rates of SOC mineralization showed somewhat different trend. In all the tillage treatments the percentage of SOC mineralised ranged between 3.3–5.8% at 27 °C, 5.2–8.1% at 32 °C and 7.3–10.9% at 37 °C. At higher temperature, higher SOC decay rates were observed under CT and unfertilized plots compared with PB/ZT and SSNM plots, respectively. The SOC from lower soil depth in CT and unfertilized plots was more temperature sensitive (Q10 = 4.03 and 4.89, respectively) compared to those under CA-based PB/ZT (Q10 = 2.63–2.82) and SSNM (Q10 = 2.15) based balanced nutrition, respectively. The SOC in lower soil depth (7.5–15 and 15–30 cm) is 1.3 and 2.1 times more temperature sensitive respectively than surface soil depth of 0–7.5 cm soil depth. Higher proportion of less labile SOC under CT and unfertilized plots might be the reason for higher temperature sensitivity. In the inevitable and impending global climate change scenario, we might lose a sizeable amount of sequestered C, which is otherwise stable at present ambient temperature.

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