
In lupin (Lupinus albus L.) and pea (Pisum sativum L., cv. Raman) it was shown that the uptake of89Sr from Knop's nutrient solution is significantly increased from a solution with decreased calcium content (one tenth of the normal content) and is slightly decreased from a solution with higher calcium content (150% of the normal content). The calciphile pea absorbs approximately 50% more calcium than the calciphobe lupin, and accordingly 50% radiostrontium less. The pea plant more strongly blocks the translocation of radiostrontium from roots to overground parts, as is proved by the higher discrimination factor of pea (i.e. by the ratio of specific activities of mCi89 Sr/g Ca of roots to overground parts). The presence of chlorine in the nutrient solution decreases the content of radiostrontium per gram of dry matter, both in pea and lupin. Radiostrontium is absorbed quickly by both species of plants and is autoradiographically detectable as early as 2 hours after the introduction of radiostrontium to the nutrient solution. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01GP049 00004

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