
Parthanatos is a new form of programmed cell death that is regulated by hyper-activated PARP-1, and is emerging as a new strategy to kill cancer cells. Deoxypodophyllotoxin (DPT) is a natural chemical that is found to induce cancer cell death, in which the role of parthanatos is unknown. Thus, we investigated this issue in this study by using glioma cell lines and mice model of xenograft glioma. We found that DPT induced glioma cell death in vitro and inhibited the growth of xenograft glioma in vivo, which was accompanied with parthanatos-related biochemical events including expressional upregulation of PARP-1, cytoplasmic accumulation of PAR polymer, and nuclear translocation of AIF. In vitro study revealed that genetic knockdown of PARP-1 with small interfering RNA attenuated DPT-induced elevation in the cytoplasmic PAR-polymer and the nuclear AIF, as well as protected glioma cells against the toxicity of DPT. Further, antioxidant NAC, as well as PARP-1 inhibitor 3AB, not only alleviated the overproduction of ROS caused by DPT, but also reversed the above-mentioned biochemical events, maintained mitochondrial membrane potential and rescued glioma cells death. Therefore, we demonstrated that deoxypodophyllotoxin triggered parthanatos in glioma cells via induction of excessive ROS.

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