
We have used the fluorescence photobleaching recovery technique to study the dependence on oxygen tension of the lateral mobility of fluorescently labeled band 3, the phospholipid analogue fluorescein phosphatidylethanolamine, and glycophorins in normal red blood cell membranes. Band 3 protein and sialic acid moieties on glycophorins were labeled specifically with eosin maleimide and fluorescein thiosemicarbazide, respectively. The band 3 diffusion rate increased from 1.7 x 10(-11) cm2 s-1 to 6.0 x 10(-11) cm2 s-1 as oxygen tension was decreased from 156 to 2 torr, and a further increase to 17 x 10(-11) cm2 s-1 occurred as oxygen tension was decreased from 2 to 0 torr. The fractional mobility of band 3 decreased from 58 to 32% as oxygen tension was decreased from 156 to 0 torr. The phospholipid diffusion coefficient remained constant as oxygen tension was decreased from 156 to 20 torr, but increased from 2.3 x 10(-9) cm2 s-1 to 7.1 x 10(-9) cm2 s-1 as oxygen tension was decreased from 20 to 0 torr. Neither the diffusion coefficient nor the fractional mobility of glycophorins changed significantly at low oxygen tension. Under non-bleaching excitation conditions, intensities of fluorescence emission were identical for oxygenated and deoxygenated eosin-labeled RBCs. Deoxygenated eosin-labeled RBCs required 160-fold greater laser intensities than did oxygenated RBCs to achieve comparable extents of photobleaching, however. Oxygen seems to act as a facilitator of fluorophore photobleaching and may thereby protect the fluorescently labeled red cell membrane from photodamage. Removal of oxygen may allow excited state fluorophores in close proximity to the plasma membrane to react with neighboring proteins or lipids during photobleaching. This effect has important implications for the ability of the fluorescence photobleaching recovery technique to report accurate lateral mobilities of cell membrane molecules under hypoxic conditions.

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