
In Nigeria, examination malpractice has become inimical to educational development. It is a social evil that can ruin the society and debar its growth and development. It has attained such a proportion that the actualisation of the goals of education in Nigeria is almost becoming impossible. New methods are being devised by its perpetrators, worsening the situation and frustrating the attempt to combat the syndrome. Examination malpractice involves almost all stakeholders in education in Nigeria. This paper aimed at investigating the extent of the deontological approach in understanding and combating examination malpractice in Nigeria. The paper employed the descriptive, analytical and prescriptive methods of philosophical research in education to try to understand and combat the menace. It was shown in the paper that examination malpractice has permeated the Nigerian educational system with debilitating consequences for the system and the society at large. The deontological perspective perceived examination malpractice in Nigeria as a practice which does not conform to the moral standards, rules and regulations guiding the administration of tests and examinations and therefore did not help the individuals and Nigeria. It was concluded in the paper that from the perspective of deontology, examination malpractice is harmful to the society, and that the perspective should be applied in combating the menace in Nigeria. It was recommended, that parents should give sound training to their children with regard to appropriate examination conduct while the school system should deploy modern technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence, to reduce examination malpractice to the barest minimum.

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