
Social media is always interconnected with human life where dentistry is no longer exceptional. Social media has evolved along with the advancements in the scientific technology of dentistry. Dentists have learnt to utilize social media in many sectors for effective and quick outcomes. Social media entry into dentistry has brought in a major revolution where student's roles are switched from ‘sage on stage’ to own acquisition of information and application of theory to real. Dental educators adjust pedagogical methodology with new generation of students. Patients are now well aware and well informed about medical issues and they can select their own doctors and clinics and this is made possible through easy access of social media. Dental professionals and dental marketers are highly benefited by social media as it is used as the main advertising or marketing tool. Marketing strategies such as attractive websites, advertisements, applications, reviews and ratings are influencing the consumers and patients to a great extent. But there is the dark side which should not be ignored. Managing Personal and professional life in the social media is not easy to many, hence can affect their reputation. Anything on social media can be misused, abused, tampered easily hence sensitive data, comments, reviews has to be properly handled. Doctor-patient relationship is mainly built on trust and goodwill hence the parameters of professionalism should not be breached at any cost. This paper appraises about the blooming side and the dull side of the social media’s impact on dentistry.

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