
Occupational dentistry is the specialty responsible for the well-being and quality of life of workers. It is a specialty recognized by the Federal Council of Dentistry since 2001. However, this field area is not well known by the majority of dentists. At first, the present study presumed that dental surgeons who work in more developed centers, with cultural and technological development as Vale do Paraiba, would know about occupational Dentistry. In this sense, this study aimed to evaluate the knowledge of dental surgeons from Jacarei and Sao Jose dos Campos, both in Vale do Paraiba, Sao Paulo, about occupational dentistry. For that, sixty dental surgeons answered a questionnaire with 12 questions about occupational dentistry which 60% declared not to know about occupational dentistry. 16% knew the role of one specialist of occupational dentistry in a company. 82% stated that the specialty could bring benefits to the worker. 62% said that occupational dentistry could contribute to or increase profitability for the employer. 93% are unaware of specialization in this field. 93% were unaware of Occupational Dentistry professionals. 93% were unaware of the laws related to Occupational Dentistry, and only 15% were aware of the field area during graduate school. To summarize, even with legal regularization of the field, occupational dentistry is still not well disseminated and understood by Dental Surgeons. It is necessary to strengthen the laws related to occupational dentistry and spread its importance for the dental community, civil society, and business companies.

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