
Patients with Vitamin D-resistant rickets have abnormal tooth morphology such as thin globular dentin and enlarged pulp horns that extend into the dentino-enamel junction. Invasion of the pulp by microorganisms and toxins is inevitable. The increased fibrotic content of the pulp, together with a reduced number of odontoblasts, decreases the response to pulp infection. The most important oral findings are characterized by spontaneous gingival and dental abscesses occuring without history of trauma or caries. Radiographic examinations revealed large pulp chambers, short roots, poorly defined lamina dura and hypoplastic alveolar ridge. These dental abscesses are common and therefore the extraction and pulpectomy are the treatment of choice. The purpose of this article is to report a case of Vitamin D-resistant rickets in a 5 year-old boy, describing the dental findings and the treatment to be performed in these cases.


  • The prevalence rate is usually reported to be around 1:20,0004,12

  • The purpose of this article is to report a case of VDRR in a 5 year-old boy, describing dental ¿QGLQJV DQG WUHDWPHQW

  • Dental abscesses are frequently observed in 9'55 WR WKH H[WHQW WKDW VRPH SDWLHQWV DUH ¿UVW diagnosed from the appearance of the spontaneous

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The prevalence rate is usually reported to be around 1:20,0004,12 In this condition, there LV GH¿FLHQW PLQHUDOL]DWLRQ RI ERQH FDXVHG E\ D genetic defect in renal transepithelial transport RI SKRVSKDWH ZKLFK OHDGV WR D GHFUHDVH LQ tubular reabsorption of phosphate and persistent hypophosphatemia. 'HQWDO ¿QGLQJV WKDW DUH RIWHQ FKDUDFWHULVWLF include dentin defects, unusually large pulp chambers and enlarged pulp horns, in some cases the enamel is hypoplastic[11,14,16]. These dental SUREOHPV DUH PRUH FRPPRQO\ DVVRFLDWHG ZLWK WKH primary than the permanent dentition[6]. The poorly formed dentin and close proximity of the pulp to the tooth surface may OHDG WR D UDSLG QHFURVLV RI WKH SXOS ZLWK SHULDSLFDO complications, because the bacterial ingress to the pulp is being facilitated, occurring spontaneous. The purpose of this article is to report a case of VDRR in a 5 year-old boy, describing dental ¿QGLQJV DQG WUHDWPHQW

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