
Diabetes, a chronic ailment with systemic implications, extends its influence to oral health, notably contributing to periodontal disease that ranks as the sixth major diabetic complication, often resulting in tooth loss. While dental implants have gained favour for their convenience and long-term viability, their success in diabetic individuals is hampered by compromised osseointegration due to reduced healing-associated bone formation. Successful implant outcomes in such cases hinge on meticulous patient selection, appropriate implant design, and effective restorative strategies, underpinned by stringent glycemic control and oral hygiene. Innovative solutions encompass implant-supported removable dentures and hydroxyapatite-coated implants that foster bone growth and implant-bone integration. In sum, navigating diabetes-related challenges for dental implants entails a comprehensive approach encompassing careful procedural considerations and advanced interventions to bolster the chances of success.

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