
Dental hygienists with expertise in the policies, protocols, and practices of long-term care settings can provide oral health care services that complement the health complexities of residents. BackgroundAdults in the United States are living longer and retaining more teeth, creating an increased demand for oral health care within long-term care facilities. Oral health has, in the past, been perceived as less important than other aspects of daily care and focused more on comfort than control of potential pathogens of oral origin. The concept in medicine of a care continuum from cradle to grave has not generally included provisions for oral health because historically few private dental practices have had provisions for continuation of care once an individual is unable to access the private office. This article supports the inclusion of dental hygienist care team members in long-term care settings. MethodsThe author has provided oral health care services in long-term care for many years, modeling this important career path for dental hygienists. Examples of the personal contributions of the dental hygienist author in helping to meet the extreme needs of this population illustrate this viable career option for dental hygienists. Resources used include federal and state health care publications, data from the American Dental Hygienists Association and selected state dental hygiene associations, published literature, and interviews with dental hygiene business owners, as well as the author's years of expertise. ConclusionOral health is a significant health concern for elders and others in long-term care settings. Daily oral care practices and optimal oral health are related to the well-being and quality of life that long-term care residents deserve. Pathways to providing preventive oral health services will gain momentum as dental hygienists become an integral part of the long-term care setting health care team.

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