
Various studies have shown an increase in utilization of dental services among the elderly in the last three decades. This study aimed at evaluating utilization rate of non-institutionalized geriatric population in Jerusalem and determining reasons for non-utilization. To eliminate the factor of accessibility of services, a Jerusalem neighborhood with a dental geriatric clinic was selected and all residents were notified. A second letter requesting cooperation with a dentist who would be visiting their homes was sent, and was followed by a phone call. According to a list provided by the municipality, 175 homes were visited; only 87 were examined, 21.7% refused; 4.6% were disqualified for health problems, 13.7% died and 10.3% moved. Testing included: a clinical dental examination, an interview regarding number of visits at a dental clinic and reasons for non-utilization of services. Results indicated that 42.4% had visited a dentist during the last year and 37.6% had not seen a dentist for more than 5 years. Of those who had not seen a dentist for more than a year, 62.7% indicated having no problems, 9.8% indicated a financial barrier, 7.8% indicated no services available, 5.9% were too busy and only 3.9% indicated fear as the reason for non-utilization. Though the sample was relatively small, accessibility and availability of dental services have proven to be factors which increase utilization.

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