
The correlation between the superior airways and the cra­nio­facial development has been the subject of many studies where the mouth breathing is one of the main causes for the underdevelopment of the inferior and middle level of the face. The skeletal and dental alterations are caused by the muscle balance disturbance, where the orbicularis hypotonia makes it impossible to properly close the mouth and the masseters hypertonia applies pressure on the lateral areas of the alveolar arches. This study was conducted in a group of young subjects with mouth breathing, assessing the changes of several skeletal and dental parameters by analyzing the dental casts (anterior perimetry, intermolar distance, inter­canine distance) and the cephalometric ra­­dio­­gra­phy (Tweed and Steiner cephalometric analysis). The analysis was applied before and after functional or­tho­­don­tics treatment, and its aim was to correct the vi­cious habit by encouraging nasal breathing and palatal ex­pan­sion. The functional orthodontics together with mio­gim­nas­ti­cal exercises are an efficient treatment method which sig­­ni­­fi­­can­­tly contributes in breaking the vicious habit and en­­abling treatments for skeletal complications caused by oral breathing.

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