
We study cosmological perturbations in the context of an interacting dark energy model, where the holographic dark energy with IR cutoff decays into the cold dark matter (CDM). For this purpose, we introduce three IR cutoffs of Hubble horizon, particle horizon, and future event horizon. Here we present small perturbations under the case that effective equation of state (EOS: ωeff) for the holographic energy density is determined to be the same negative constant as that for the CDM. Such new matter productions tend to dilute the density perturbations of CDM (matter contrast). For a decelerating universe of ωeff> -1/3, the matter contrast is growing as the universe evolves, while for an accelerating universe of ωeff< -1/3, the matter contrast is decaying, irrespective of the choice of IR cutoff. This shows clearly that the acceleration suppresses the growing of the density perturbations at the early universe.

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