
To date, much of the information on the clouded leopard study were more focus on Sunda clouded leopard. With the advance of technology, the use of camera trap had enhanced the opportunity for all researchers to study more deeply on species of interest in more intensely larger scale and cost benefit. This paper presents the density estimate of clouded leopard in Gunung Basor-Stong Utara Forest Complex (GB-SUFC). A total of 19 individuals of clouded leopard (14 males, 5 unknown) had been identified. Based on the spatial explicit capture-recapture model (SECR). The estimate density of the clouded leopard in GB-SUFC was (D^±SE) 1.15±0.35 adult clouded leopard/100km2. Results from this study will serve as an important baseline on the population density of clouded leopard in GB-SUFC and provides more information on clouded leopard population and ecology especially in Peninsular Malaysia and could also potentially guide and assist the authorities in formulating crucial conservation plans for this threatened species.

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