
ABSTRACTWe have used the density functional theory of freezing to study the liquid crystalline phase behavior of a system of highly elongated ellipsoidal conjugated oligomers dispersed in three different solvents namely chloroform, toluene and their equimolar mixture. The molecules are assumed to interact via solvent-implicit coarse-grained Gay–Berne potential. Pair correlation functions needed as input in the density functional theory have been calculated using the Percus–Yevick (PY) integral equation theory. Considering the isotropic and nematic phases, we have calculated the isotropic–nematic phase transition parameters and presented the temperature–density and pressure–temperature phase diagrams. Different solvent conditions are found not only to affect the transition parameters but also determine the capability of oligomers to form nematic phase in various thermodynamic conditions. In principle, our results are verifiable through computer simulations.

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