
Density functional theory (DFT) has been used to calculate the structures and infrared spectra of glucose and glucose monohydrates. Both α- and β-anomers were studied, including all hydroxymethyl rotamers (gg, gt, and tg) and both hydroxyl orientations (clockwise c and counter-clockwise r). A total of 69 glucose monohydrates were studied. The lowest-energy monohydrates correspond to complexes that require little distortion of the glucose structure in order to accommodate the water molecule. As was found in vacuum glucose calculations, the lowest-energy α-anomer is more stable than the lowest-energy β-anomer for the monohydrates. The vibrational modes of the infrared spectrum studied here are in the OH stretch region (3300−3800 cm −1). Peaks in the spectra produced by the hydroxymethyl rotamer when in the tg conformation, are generally red-shifted by ∼30 cm −1 relative to the peak location when in the gt and gg rotamer states. A second signature red-shift (also ∼30 cm −1) is found to characterize the glucose α-anomers relative to the β-anomer. The extent to which the hydroxyl peaks are conformation dependent depends strongly on the location of the water molecule. DFT calculations on specific phenyl-glucose derivatives allow comparison to recent experimental studies on the OH stretch region of these molecules and their monohydrates.

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