
A numerical study of size-dependent effects in the thermodynamics of a small droplet formed around a solid nanoparticle has been performed within the square-gradient density functional theory. The Lennard-Jones fluid with the Carnahan-Starling model for the hard-sphere contribution to intermolecular interaction in liquid and vapor phases and interfaces has been used for description of the condensate. The intermolecular forces between the solid core and condensate molecules have been taken into account with the help of the Lennard-Jones part of the total molecular potential of the core. The influence of the electric charge of the particle has been considered under assumption of the central Coulomb potential in the medium with dielectric permittivity depending on local condensate density. The condensate density profiles and equimolecular radii for equilibrium droplets at different values of the condensate chemical potential have been computed in the cases of an uncharged solid core with the molecular potential, a charged core without molecular potential, and a core with joint action of the Coulomb and molecular potentials. The appearance of stable equilibrium droplets even in the absence of the electric charge has been commented. As a next step, the capillary, disjoining pressure, and electrostatic contributions to the condensate chemical potential have been considered and compared with the predictions of classical thermodynamics in a wide range of values of the droplet and the particle equimolecular radii. With the help of the found dependence of the condensate chemical potential in droplet on the droplet size, the activation barrier for nucleation on uncharged and charged particles has been computed as a function of the vapor supersaturation. Finally, the work of droplet formation and the work of wetting the particle have been found as functions of the droplet size.

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