
We adapt an algorithm for singles and doubles coupled cluster (CCSD) that uses density fitting or Cholesky decomposition (CD) in the construction and contraction of all electron repulsion integrals (ERIs) for use on heterogeneous compute nodes consisting of a multicore central processing unit (CPU) and at least one graphics processing unit (GPU). The use of approximate three-index ERIs ameliorates two of the major difficulties in designing scientific algorithms for GPUs: (1) the extremely limited global memory on the devices and (2) the overhead associated with data motion across the bus. For the benzene trimer described by an aug-cc-pVDZ basis set, the use of a single NVIDIA Tesla C2070 (Fermi) GPU accelerates a CD-CCSD computation by a factor of 2.1, relative to the multicore CPU-only algorithm that uses six highly efficient Intel Core i7-3930K CPU cores. The use of two Fermi GPUs provides an acceleration of 2.89, which is comparable to that observed when using a single NVIDIA Kepler K20c GPU (2.73).

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