
A haploid model is introduced and analyzed in which intraspecific competition is incorporated within a density dependent framework. It is assumed that each genotype has a unique carrying capacity corresponding to the equilibrium population size when fixed for that type. Each genotypic fitness at a single multi-allelic locus is a function of a distinctive effective population size formed by adding the numbers of each genotype present, weighted by an intraspecific competition coefficient. As a result, the fitnesses depend upon the relative frequencies of the various genotypes as well as the total population size. Intergenotypic interactions can have a profound effect upon the outcome of the population. In particular, when the density effect of one individual upon another depends upon their respective genotypes, a unique stable interior equilibrium is possible in which all alleles are present. This stands in contrast to the purely density dependent haploid system in which the only possible stable state corresponds to fixation for the type with the highest carrying capacity. In the present model selective advantage is determined by a balance between carrying capacity and sensitivity to density pressures from other genotypes. Fixation for the genotype with the highest carrying capacity, for instance, will not be stable if it exerts a sufficiently weak competitive effect upon the other genotypes. In the diallelic case, maintenance of both alleles at a stable equilibrium requires that the net intragenotypic competition between individuals of like genotype be stronger than that between unlike types. As for purely density regulated systems, there may be no stable equilibria and/or regular and chaotic cycling may occur. The results may also be interpreted in terms of a discrete time model of interspecific competition with each haplotype representing a different species.

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