
The density-dependent effective interactions given by the new Brown-Rho (new- BR) scalings and chiral three-nucleon force V3N are compared with the empirical density- dependent force of the Skyrme interactions. The new-BR scaling is based on a Skyrmion- half-Skyrmion model where nuclear matter is treated as a Skyrmion matter for density smaller than a transition density n1/2 ≊ 0.32 fm−3 while a half-Skyrmion matter for density greater. In this model, the meson mass, nucleon mass and meson-nucleon coupling are all scaled with density, making the resulting two-nucleon interaction density dependent. By integrating out a participating nucleon over the Fermi sea, Holt, Kaiser and Weise have obtained an effective three-nucleon force V̄3N which is also a density-dependent two-nucleon interaction. The equation of state for symmetric nuclear matter given by the new-BR-scaled V2N, V̄3N, and (unscaled-V2N + a Skyrme-type density-dependent force) are all found to be closely similar to each other.

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