
Abstract – Decreases in body growth with increasing population density may be caused by reduced prey delivery rate. However, changes in food quality because of an increasing inclusion of suboptimal prey in the diet may also contribute to such effects. Here, we test for density‐dependent diet composition by creating spatial variation in Atlantic salmon young‐of‐the‐year (YOY) density in three replicate streams and obtain detailed information on individual positions (±1 m) and diet. Diet breadth with respect to prey size increased with increasing local density for the two most common prey types (Chironomidae and Ephemeroptera). For the largest prey type (Ephemeroptera), there was also an increase in mean prey size with increasing density, suggesting that YOY salmon preferentially utilise the smaller prey among those available. According to optimal foraging theory, changes in diet with increasing local density are likely to come at an energetic cost and hence may contribute to the commonly observed density‐dependent growth of juvenile salmonids.

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