
To explore the geographical variations in the nosZ-denitrifier community and the underlying influential factors, surface sediments were collected from six mangroves across China, including Yunxiao (YX), Futian (FT), Fangchenggang (FCG), Zhanjiang (ZJ), Dongzhaigang (DZG), and Dongfang (DF). The nosZ gene abundance in mangrove sediments were 1.60 × 105–1.17 × 106 copies g−1 dry sediment, with a higher density in Avicennia marina forest than the mudflat. Denitrifier community richness and diversity increased with decreasing latitude based on the Chao1 richness and Shannon diversity index, with the highest diversity being observed in the DF mangrove. The denitrifier communities could be classified into three groups including south DF mangrove, middle FCG, ZJ and DZG mangroves, and north YX and FT mangroves based on HCA and PCoA analysis. The nosZ OTUs could be divided into seven distinct clusters with different proportionality characteristics among mangroves. Environmental factors (TN, TOC, and salinity) collectively shape denitrifier communities in mangrove sediments.

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