
Debris slide occurrence on treed slopes of northeastern North America is still poorly documented, despite their abundance and their potential to change mountainous landscapes in short periods of time. To provide new information on their spatiotemporal dynamics, a study was undertaken in debris slide paths in the Wildlife Reserve of Port-Cartier-Sept-Iles, on the Québec North-Shore region of eastern Canada. Tree-ring dating of growth anomalies (impact scars and reaction wood) in nine debris slides allowed the identification of four debris slide events that occurred in 2003, 2006, 2008, and 2010. By comparison to other hillslope processes such as snow avalanches and debris flows, debris slides produce a very strong tree-ring signal. Therefore they do not require a large sample size considering also that they do not occur twice at the same place. The position of growth anomalies within individual tree rings allowed to determine the timing of the debris slide events: injuries located within a ring correspond to debris slides occurring during the growing season, whereas injuries located between the end of a ring and the beginning of the following ring were caused by debris slides occurring during the dormant season. The meteorological data indicate that a daily precipitation of 70 mm appears usually sufficient for the occurrence of debris slides.

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