
AbstractDendrogeomorphic chronologies of landslide movements are frequently used to investigate past landslide activity. Slide areas are often affected by other slope movements (e.g. creep) simultaneously. Trees growing on landslides record all types of ground movements, which potentially creates significant noise in tree ring based chronologies of landslide movements. The effect of creep movements on dendrogeomorphic landslide chronologies was evaluated in a block‐type landslide in the south‐western foreland of the Orlické hory Mountains. In total, 272 trees (Picea abies and Fagus sylvatica) were sampled (1088 increment cores) on the sub‐horizontal surfaces of rotated slide blocks, which were presumably created only by slide movements, and on the steep internal scarps separating landslide blocks, which were presumably created and affected by a combination of slide and creep movements. Ground movements were dated based on growth disturbances identified in an analysis of eccentric tree growth.The trees growing on the internal landslide scarps separating the rotated blocks exhibited a significantly higher number and frequency of growth disturbances than those growing on the sub‐horizontal block surfaces. All eight dated block surface movements were also identified on the internal scarps. Creep‐based events represented as many as 70% of the dated movement events on the internal scarps. Varying the It thresholds did not filter out more than 40% of the noise without significantly reducing the number of true dated slide events. A significant difference was observed between the ability of P. abies and F. sylvatica to record ground movements by eccentric growth. Probably due to its shallower roots (and weaker anchoring of the tree to landslide blocks), P. abies appears to be more sensitive to surficial ground movement, which potentially increases the proportion of dated creep events (noise). Thus, the careful selection of sampled tree species with different physiologies should be considered during dendrogeomorphic field sampling. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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