
Smart cities are the emerging paradigm to improve living standards. Smart cities exploit numerous technologies to provide good health, better transportation facilities, education, and uninterrupted power and water supply that lead to higher levels of comfort. For practical implementations of these kinds of projects, huge amounts of data will initially be required and an ample amount of data will be generated thereafter the implementation of the project. In the present digital world, the biggest challenge that organizations are facing is the analysis of such a large amount of data. Direct analysis and exploitation is pivotal key factor of the data for accomplishment in numerous business and service domains, as well as the smart city domain. In this paper special focus is given to those applications of big data that support smart cities along with the advantages of including big data applications for smart cities and need of secure graph database that can be used to analyze the large data. In addition to it is also concluded that graph analytics can easily regulate the connections between many different data points of the smart city data: even those that at first do not appear to be connected.

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