
Abstract: Recommendation algorithms are widely used, however many consumers want more clarity on why specific goods are recommended to them. The absence of explainability jeopardizes user trust, satisfaction, and potentially privacy. Improving transparency is difficult and involves the need for flexible interfaces, privacy protection, scalability, and customisation. Explainable recommendations provide substantial advantages such as enhancing relevance assessment, bolstering user interactions, facilitating system monitoring, and fostering accountability. Typical methods include giving summaries of the fundamental approach, emphasizing significant data points, and utilizing hybrid recommendation models. Case studies demonstrate that openness has assisted platforms such as YouTube and Spotify in achieving more than a 10% increase in key metrics like click-through rate. Additional research should broaden the methods for providing explanations, increase real-world implementation in other industries, guarantee human-centered supervision of suggestions, and promote consumer trust by following ethical standards. Accurate recommendations are essential. The future involves developing technologies that provide users with information while honoring their autonomy.

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