
Preface Part 1: Introduction Chapter 1: Demystifying Organizational Learning The Mystification of Organizational Learning Demystification The Facets of Organizational Learning Applying the Multi-Facet Model How to Read This Book To Sum Up Part 2: The Multi-Facet Model Chapter 2: Organizational Learning Mechanisms Types of Organizational Learning Mechanisms Off-Line/Internal OLMs Online/Internal OLMs Off-Line/External OLMs Online/External OLMs Mechanisms, Technologies, and Choosing the Right OLM Chapter 3: The Cultural Facet: The Key to Productive Learning Cultural Islands of Learning The Norms of a Learning Culture Demystifying Culture and Organizational Learning Chapter4: The Psychological Basis of Productive Learning Psychological Threat and Psychological Safety Organizational Learning as a Source of Psychological Threat Defensiveness and Defensive Routines Psychological Safety and Trust Creating Psychological Safety Commitment to the Organization Chapter 5: The Context of Organizational Learning Environmental Uncertainty Task Uncertainty Task Structure Proximity to the Organization's Core Mission Organizational Structure Chapter 6: Organizational Learning and Managerial Channels of Influence Instituting OLMs Tolerance for Failure Commitment to the Workforce Manager's Behavioral Channels of Influence Chapter 7: The Dissemination of Knowledge The Problem of Dissemination The Source of Knowledge The Recipient of Knowledge The Relationship Between Source and Recipient Understanding Knowledge Dissemination Mechanisms Attributes of the Organizational Context Demystifying Dissemination Part 3: Applying the Model Chap 8: Inside an OLM: Postflight Reviews in the Israeli Air Force Learning Functions Social and Control Functions Psychological Functions Psychological Safety and Learning Culture in a High-Threat Environment What Can Managers Learn From Postflight Reviews? Chapter 9: Is Training Organizational Learning? Computer Chips International Johnsonville Foods Motorola University Dell Learning Bell Labs Discussion and Lessons Learned Chapter 10: High-Quality Organizational Learning: Why Do Some After-Action Reviews Work and Others Don't? Low-Quality After-Action Review High-Quality After-Action Review Chapter 11: Demystiying the Learning Organization I: The Case of Hewlett-Packard HP' Work Innovation Network (WIN) The HPC Knowledge Management Initiative Why Did WIN Die and the KM Inititative Live? Demystifying the Learning Organization Chapter 12: Demystifying the Learning Organization II: The Case of Chaparral Steel Organizational Learning Mechanisms at Chaparral Productive Learning at Chaparral Steel The Contextual Facet Conclusion Chapter 13: Putting the Multi-Facet Model Into Practice Background Designing the Organizational Learning Process: An Action Science Approach Ending the Formal Organizational Learning Intervention Epilogue Demystifying the Organizational Learning Process Chapter 14: Before We Go... References Index About the Author

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