
Magical Realism is a genre that brings in together two completely different dimensions of study, namely realism and fantastic imagination (magic). There is always an air of eerie complexity around the genre due to the confluence of such contradictions. Salman Rushdie is one of the most important Indian Diaspora writers prominently known for the triumphant utilization of this genre through innovative techniques in his work. Some of his most famous literary productions of this genre are The Midnight’s children, Shame, etc., This present paper takes Rushdie’s (2019) recent blockbuster publication Quichotte under study, and scrutinizes it from a hermeneutical point of view. It uses the principles theorized by W. B. Frais (2004) in her book Ordinary Enchantments and attempts to analyse the book under the derived perspective. This brief analysis underscores the hidden elements that are unanimously typical of all Magical Realist texts with reference to Quichottein and endeavours to demystify it.

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