
The reactivity spectrum of a monkey antiserum raised against in vitro-cultured human melanoma cells was compared by means of three different assays: complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC), antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) and mixed hemadsorption (MHA). After absorption with a pool of cells from T- and B-lymphoid cell lines the antiserum was specifically cytotoxic in CDC for cultured melanoma cells. The melanoma specificity of the antiserum was confirmed by quantitative absorption experiments with cultured melanoma and nonmelanoma cells. When the lymphoid cell-absorbed antiserum was assayed by MHA, however, a high reactivity against both melanoma and nonmelanoma cells was observed. Further absorption with nonmelanoma tumor cells removed the reactivity of the antiserum with different nonmelanoma cell lines, but did not abolish its reactivity with melanoma cells. After this second absorption, the antiserum remained cytolytic against melanoma cells in CDC. In ADCC experiments this antiserum was not able to induce any cytotoxicity even before absorption.

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