
The distribution of many genes encoding virulence and virulence life-style (VL-S) factors in Brachyspira (B.) hyodysenteriae and other Brachyspira species are largely unknown. Their knowledge is essential e.g. for the improvement of diagnostic methods targeting the detection and differentiation of the species.Thus 121 German Brachyspira field isolates from diarrhoeic pigs were characterized down to the species level by restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of the nox gene and subsequently subjected to polymerase chain reaction detecting VL-S genes for inner (clpX) and outer membrane proteins (OMPs: bhlp16, bhlp17.6, bhlp29.7, bhmp39f, bhmp39h), hemolysins (hlyA/ACP, tlyA), iron metabolism (ftnA, bitC), and aerotolerance (nox). For comparison, B. hyodysenteriae reference strains from the USA (n=7) and Australia (2) were used.Of all genes tested only nox was detected in all isolates. The simultaneous presence of both the tlyA and hlyA/ACP was restricted to the species B. hyodysenteriae. The hlyA infrequently occurred also in weakly hemolytic Brachyspira. Similarly to tlyA and hlyA all B. hyodysenteriae strains contained the ferritin gene ftnA which was also found in two Brachyspira intermedia isolates. OMP encoding genes were present in B. hyodysenteriae field isolates in rates of 0% (bhlp17.6, bhmp39h), 58.1% (bhlp29.7), and 97.3% (bhmp39f).Since the study revealed a high genetic heterogeneity among German B. hyodysenteriae field isolates differentiating them from USA as well as Australian strains, targets for diagnostic PCR were limited to the nox gene (genus specific PCR) as well as to the species specific noxhyo gene and the combination of hlyA and tlyA which allow to specifically detect B. hyodysenteriae.

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