
Treponema denticola is an important contributor to periodontal disease. In this study we investigated the ability of T. denticola to bind the complement regulatory proteins factor H and factor H-like protein 1 (FHL-1). The binding of these proteins has been demonstrated to facilitate evasion of the alternative complement cascade and/or to play a role in adherence and invasion. Here we demonstrate that T. denticola specifically binds FHL-1 via a 14-kDa, surface-exposed protein that we designated FhbB. Consistent with its FHL-1 binding specificity, FhbB binds only to factor H recombinant fragments spanning short consensus repeats (SCRs) 1 to 7 (H7 construct) and not to SCR constructs spanning SCRs 8 to 15 and 16 to 20. Binding of H7 to FhbB was inhibited by heparin. The specific involvement of SCR 7 in the interaction was demonstrated using an H7 mutant (H7AB) in which specific charged residues in SCR 7 were replaced by alanine. This construct lost FhbB binding ability. Analyses of the ability of FHL-1 bound to the surface of T. denticola to serve as a cofactor for factor I-mediated cleavage of C3b revealed that C3b is cleaved in an FHL-1/factor I-independent manner, perhaps by an unidentified protease. Based on the data presented here, we hypothesize that the primary function of FHL-1 binding by T. denticola might be to facilitate adherence to FHL-1 present on anchorage-dependent cells and in the extracellular matrix.

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