
Pf1, a class II filamentous virus, has been investigated by ultraviolet resonance Raman (UVRR) spectroscopy with excitation wavelengths of 257, 244, 238, and 229 nm. The 257-nm UVRR spectrum is rich in Raman bands of the packaged single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) genome, despite the low DNA mass (6%) of the virion. Conversely, the 229-nm UVRR spectrum is dominated by tyrosines (Tyr 25 and Tyr 40) of the 46-residue alpha-helical coat subunit. UVRR spectra excited at 244 and 238 nm exhibit Raman bands diagnostic of both viral DNA and coat protein tyrosines. Raman markers of packaged Pf1 DNA contrast sharply with those of the DNA packaged in the class I filamentous virus fd [Wen, Z. Q., Overman, S. A., and Thomas, G. J., Jr. (1997) Biochemistry 36, 7810-7820]. Interestingly, deoxynucleotides of Pf1 DNA exhibit sugars in the C2'-endo/anti conformation and bases that are largely unstacked, compared with C3'-endo/anti conformers and very strong base stacking in fd DNA; hydrogen-bonding interactions of thymine carbonyls are also different in Pf1 and fd. On the other hand, coat protein tyrosines of Pf1 exhibit Raman markers of ring environment identical to those of fd, including an anomalous singlet at 853 cm-1 in lieu of the canonical Fermi doublet (850/830 cm-1) found in globular proteins. The results indicate markedly different modes of organization of ssDNA in Pf1 and fd virions, despite similar environments for coat protein tyrosines, and suggest strong hydrogen-bonding interactions between DNA bases and coat subunits of Pf1 but not between those of fd. We propose that structural relationships between the protein coat and encapsidated ssDNA genome are also fundamentally different in the two assemblies.

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