
This qualitative study explored the experiences of health visitors working with refugee and asylumseeking families in central London, and assessed the dimensions of their cultural competency using Quickfall’s model (Quickfall, 2004, 2010). In-depthinterviews were conducted with 14 health visitors. Data were analysed using Framework, a thematicbased analytical ethod. The findings revealed that the health visitors demonstrated aspects of culturally competent care in relation to Quickfall’s five-step model which was developed from the literature specifically for working with asylum applicants within a primary care setting. Shortcomings with regard to demonstrating cultural competence were related to working for an organisation whose work is governed by external factors such as national legislation and policy. In addition, the complexity of the needs of these vulnerable populations and limited resources sometimes compromised the cultural competence of the health visitors. However, they showed many positive examples of how they provided equity, access and non-discriminatory services, health promotion and socially inclusive services.

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