
The article summarizes the results of the reproduction and migration development of Saratov oblast n in the 20th — early 21st centuries. The origin of demographic waves in the age and sex structure of the population of the region over a century is substantiated. It is shown what demographic and social consequences led to such development of the region, in which depopulation has not stopped since 1992. There are identified the features of the current migration situation in Saratov oblast. The circle of close migration partners of the region and changes in its migration ties over 50 years is revealed. The character of the exchange of population with other regions of Russia is examined. The main factors of the negative demographic situation in the region are considered. The primary factor is the low level of socio-economic development, wages and incomes of the population. As a consequence, together with high proportion of the urban population and poor ecology this results in a low birth rate and a higher mortality rate than the national average. The latter factor is associated not only with the more "old" (than in the Russian Federation as a whole) age and sex structure of the population of the region. The unfavorable socio-economic situation in the region also generates an increased mortality rate for separate classes and causes of death. Indirectly, this is evidenced by a significantly higher (than in the Russian Federation as a whole) mortality of the population of Saratov oblast from diseases of the digestive system and from alcohol poisoning. In addition, the outflow of young people to economically more developed regions of the country and the decline in fertility leads to a decrease in the proportion of women in the most active childbearing age, which causes an even greater decline in the birth rate. And decrease in the share of young people as a whole leads to an increase in the pension burden on the able-bodied population and to a further decrease in the incomes of the entire population of the region. A general conclusion is made that it is necessary to more actively and effectively pursue a policy of equalizing the socio-economic and demographic development of the regions of Russia. It is necessary to create zones of advanced development not only in the Far East or in the Arctic. It is necessary to develop the economy and the social sphere in all underdeveloped regions of Russia at a faster pace.

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