
Background: Demodicosis in humans was caused by two species of Demodex called folliculorum and brevis. The disease is seen in male and female. Although, there is no clinical symptoms in individuals with normal immunity system, but in many cases, dermatitis, rough, dry and scaly skin rosacea, particularly asymmetrical papulopustular or granulomatous variants and in some cases, perioral dermatitis, blepharitis [inflammation of the eyelid margins] are observed. In this report 16 cases of demodicosis diagnosed in recent years are presented. Cases: Suspected patients with dermatophytosis who referred to the laboratory were examined in this study. In sampling, slide preparation and microscopic evaluation Demodex species was observed. In two cases, co- infection of dermatophytosis and demodicosis were demonstrated. Seven [43.75%] out of 16 patients were male and nine [56.25%] were female. In this study, 16 persons [4- 52 years old] were considered. None of the patients had any information about their disease and the cause .The patients were referred to the laboratory for fungi examination. Conclusion: Demodicosis is a cutaneous parasitic disease and it is necessary that the parasitologists and mycologists consider the demodicosis during the sampling, preparation of slide and microscopic examination of cutaneous lesions. K e y w o r ds: Type Demodex folliculorum , Demodex brevis , demodicosis

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