
The General Election Commission (KPU) has finished carrying out regional head elections in 17 provinces in 2018. The implementation of this regional head election is the first history of the simultaneous implementation of governor elections. KPU's performance was highlighted in this simultaneous regional head election. The number of voters in the 2018 Governor and Deputy Governor Election amounted to 143,667,935. Community participation in the 2018 Concurrent Local Election is in the range of 72%. KPU has targeted community participation of 77 percent. Of the 17 provinces that held gubernatorial elections, only Papua province exceeded the voter participation target. While the disability voter participation is on average 49 percent with the highest disability voter level in Maluku at 96 percent and the lowest in Central Java 32 percent. Furthermore, the findings related to ballots are invalid. Invalid ballots in the election of governors and deputy governors were 3,098,239, equivalent to 3 percent of all election logistics used. The most invalid ballots are found in Central Java Province, namely 778,805 ballots, East Kalimantan as many as 50,110 ballots, and East Java with 782,027 ballots. The research conducted found results that there were alleged violations that occurred in the 2018 simultaneous regional election. It was suspected that there were 1,095 violation reports and 2,038 violation findings. The number of violations in the Regional Head Election this time is greater than the previous election. This is due to the fact that the number of regions holding this year's Election is bigger than the 2017 election, which is 101 regions. The details of these violations were 291 criminal violations, 853 administrative violations, 114 violations of the code of ethics, 712 violations of other laws, and 619 categories not violations or not proven. Regarding voter voting rights, the high number of Transfer Voters List (DPPH) and Additional Voters List (DPTb). Of the total 143,667,935 people who voted in the simultaneous regional elections in 2018, there were 173,553 voters from DPPH and 2,032,556 voters from DPTb. To note, the number of DPTb is the basis for evaluating the process of updating voter data throughout the election stages. So that the performance of KPU voters' data collection is in the quite effective category.

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