
Objective: The purpose of this article is to report the experience of founding an Academic League of Nursing in Pediatrics at the Pequeno Príncipe Colleges, which encompasses educational aspects in three distinct areas: practical-theoretical classes, case studies and obtaining in a pediatric hospital institution, with in order to deepen the knowledge of the binder in the area. Methodology: It is based on the Problematization Methodology, based on the Arch of Maguerez, which has 5 stages based on evidence: observation of reality, key points, theorization, solution hypotheses and application to reality; and in active teaching methodologies in the health area, which makes students protagonists of their own academic training. Results and discussion: The main results are the stimulation of academic contact with real professional experience, the development of critical knowledge, the creation of selfconfident professionals, who have ascending technical-scientific knowledge in the exercise of the profession, which provides greater security and effectiveness of care, the formation of more specialized skills in the area and integration of scientific research, and university extension, as a knowledge resource for the students of the educational institution, with a focus on technicalscientific deepening. Final considerations: It will add knowledge to the gaps found in the teaching of health sciences, discerning the specificities found in the field of pediatrics. University students will practice in an internship field at a highly complex hospital, where they will apply all the theoretical background experienced both from discussions, theoretical classes and case studies provided by the LAENP-FPP board, as well as in the undergraduate pediatrics discipline itself . It will always be emphasized that the binder is responsible for his journey in the academic field, since the League values student learning and the highest possible quality training, which will directly impact the performance of this future nurse after graduation.

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