
This article explores the various aspects of the decline of democracy in Pakistan, which is a crucial subject with important consequences both within the country and on the global stage. Pakistan's democratic progress has been characterized by a succession of obstacles, alternating between periods of civilian governance and military administrations. This paper aims to examine the fundamental factors behind these disturbances in democratic systems, with a specific focus on the recent occurrences that have contributed to the current state of vulnerability in democratic governance. This analysis explores the complex relationship between political instability, governance challenges, the significant influence of the military, economic fluctuations, restrictions on media, and the deterioration of civil liberties. The study additionally provides a comparison analysis with other countries that have encountered comparable democratic obstacles, extracting insights and tactics that could be relevant to the Pakistani situation. The paper highlights the importance of a collaborative endeavour to develop a durable democratic culture, pushing for enduring strategies rather than temporary solutions. The primary objective of this article is to offer a thorough analysis of the democratic obstacles in Pakistan and to facilitate meaningful dialogues and effective approaches toward a more stable and democratic future.

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