
Using reference hypernetted chain (RHNC) integral equations and density functional theory in the modified mean-field (MMF) approximation we investigate the phase behavior of binary mixtures of dipolar hard spheres. The two species (A and B) differ only in their dipole moments m(A) and m(B), and the central question investigated is under which conditions these asymmetric mixtures can exhibit demixing phase transitions in the fluid phase regime. Results from our two theoretical approaches turn out to strongly differ. Within the RHNC (which we apply to the isotropic high-temperature phase) demixing does indeed occur for dense systems with small interaction parameters Gamma= m(2)(B)/m(2)(A). This result generalizes previously reported observations on demixing in mixtures of dipolar and neutral hard spheres (Gamma=0) to the case of true dipolar hard sphere mixtures. The RHNC approach also indicates that these demixed fluid phases are isotropic at temperatures accessible by the theory, whereas isotropic-to-ferroelectric transitions occur only at larger Gamma. The MMF theory, on the other hand, yields a different picture in which demixing occurs in combination with spontaneous ferroelectricity at all Gamma considered. This discrepancy underlines the relevance of correlational effects for the existence of demixing transitions in dipolar systems without dispersive interactions. Indeed, supplementing the dipolar interactions by small, asymmetric amounts of van der Waals-like interactions (and thereby supporting the systems tendency to demix) one finally reaches good agreement between MMF and RHNC results.

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