
In mammals, fertilization and early preimplantation embryo development occur in the oviduct. We hypothesized that interaction exists between the developing embryos and the maternal genital tract, such that the embryos modulate the physiology and gene expression of the oviduct so that it is conducive to their development. By comparing the gene expression patterns in mouse oviducts containing transferred preimplantation embryos with those of oviducts containing oocytes, we report here the characterization of demilune cell and parotid protein (Dcpp), which was up-regulated in the embryo-containing oviduct. Dcpp mRNA was highly expressed in the oviductal epithelium at the estrus stage. The Dcpp gene codes for a protein of 150 amino acids and contains a signal peptide suggestive of secretory function. The Dcpp mRNA level was maintained in the oviductal epithelium of pregnant females but decreased continuously in those of pseudopregnant mice. Exogenous estrogen stimulated the expression of Dcpp mRNA and protein in ovariectomized mice. The effect was abolished by an estrogen antagonist, ICI 182,780. Dcpp protein was present in mouse oviductal fluid but not in uterine fluid. More importantly, Dcpp immunoreactivity was found in embryos recovered from the oviduct but not in mature oocytes from the ovary. Supplementation of Dcpp to culture medium stimulated the development of mouse embryos to the blastocyst stage. Anti-Dcpp antibody decreased the beneficial effect of Dcpp on implantation of two-cell mouse embryos transferred to the oviducts of the foster mothers. In summary, our data demonstrated that Dcpp is highly expressed in the oviductal lumen in the presence of preimplantation embryos. It stimulates the growth of preimplantation embryos and may play an important role in embryo-maternal dialogue.

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