
The growing importance of recreation as an economic phenomenon raises questions on its developmental mechanisms. At present, the market and demand-supply relations are the basic regulators of economic processes. Therefore, this paper is an attempt to determine the factors which are conditions for the size and structure of demand for recreation services among the university students in Krakow. The survey was administered among a total of 490 students of full-time and extramural undergraduate studies at the Pedagogical University in Krakow, the Pontifical University of John Paul II and the Agricultural University. One of the research hypotheses was the verification of the statement that the economic factor lies at the base of the possibilities to participate in recreation. Currently, young people have broad possibilities of active relaxation and recreation and it seems justified to state that only an economic factor may hinder participation in various forms of recreation. Research has shown that the main barriers that restrict student participation in various forms of recreation include the lack of free time (34% of all answers), followed by the financial condition (20.73%) and “lack of eagerness” (16.16%). Almost half of the respondents (46.6%) indicated that they use sports and recreational facilities in Krakow at least once a week while 5.9% do it every day, 24.5% – twice or three times a week, 16.2% once a week. The comparison of research results leads to the conclusion that students have their free time but they spend it on the Internet whereas active relaxation and recreation are of less importance to them.

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