
The study was concerned with the estimation of food-demand parameters in a system context. The patterns of food consumption in Finland were presented over the period 1950-1991, and a complete demand system of food expenditures was estimated. Price and expenditure elasticities of demand were derived, and the results were used to obtain projections on future consumption. While the real expenditure on food has increased, the budget share of food has decreased. In the early 19505, combined Food-at-Home and Food-away-from-Home corresponded to about 40% of consumers’ total expenditure. In 1991 the share was 28%. There was a shift to meals eaten outside the home. While the budget share of Food-away-from-Home increased from 3% to 7% over the observation period, Food-at-Home fell from 37% to 21%, and Food-at-Home excluding Alcoholic Drinks fell from 34% to 16%. Within Food-at-Home, the budget shares of the broad aggregate groups, Animalia (food from animal sources), Beverages, and Vegetablia (food from vegetable sources), remained about the same over the four decades, while structural change took place within the aggregates. Within Animalia, consumption shifted from Dairy Products (other than Fresh Milk) to Meat and Fish. Within Beverages, consumption shifted from Fresh Milk and Hot Drinks to Alcoholic Drinks and Soft Drinks. Within Vegetablia, consumption shifted from Flour to Fruits, while the shares of Bread and Cake and Vegetables remained about the same. As the complete demand system, the Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) was employed. The conventional AIDS was extended by developing a dynamic generalisation of the model and allowing for systematic shifts in structural relationships over time. A four-stage budgeting system was specified, consisting of seven sub-systems (groups), and covering 18 food categories. Tests on parameter restrictions and misspecification tests were used to choose the most preferred model specification for each group. Generally, the estimated models did not satisfy the Slutsky conditions. The goodness-of-fit measures were good, and, compared to static specifications, dynamics usually provided a better fit. The misspecification tests indicated that the dynamic specification was correct, but some form of misspecification was found. The structural change in parameters indicated that the modelling failed to track a stable preference structure - if there is one. The estimated demand system was employed in projecting the future consumption of food products in Finland to the year 2000. The approach was to choose a certain change in the real total consumption expenditure and alternative sets of relative prices for the forecast period. Four different options of price variables were defined. Three of the options relied on the historical price trends recorded in Finland, whereas one option measured the expected consequences of Finland's possible membership in the European Union. A predicted consequence of the membership in the European Union is that the share of food in consumers’ budget would decrease. The expected decrease is somewhat faster than the decrease that would take place if future price developments were based on the historical trends. If Finland joins the Union, the budget share of Food-at-Home would decrease from 21% in 1991 to 18% in 2000, whereas the budget share of Food-at-Home excluding Alcoholic Drinks would decrease from 16% in 1991 to 14% in 2000.


  • Substantial changes have occurred in consumption patterns in Finland over the past four decades

  • While the budget share of Food-away-from-Home increased from 3% to 7% over the observation period, Food-at-Home fell from 37% to 21%, and Food-at-Home excluding Alcoholic Drinks fell from 34% to 16%

  • There has been a marked increase in the proportion of food expenditures spent away from home: the real expenditure on food consumed in restaurants and cafes more than quadrupled, while the real expenditure on food consumed at home doubled

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Substantial changes have occurred in consumption patterns in Finland over the past four decades. Expenditures on carcase meat and soft drinks increased rapidly in the s late 1960 and early 19705. In both cases, the increase coincided with a decrease in respective real prices. The concept demand structure or demand system or demand is a function that refers to the responses of a consumer to various economic and related factors, such as levels and changes in prices and income, that produce the observable consumption behaviour or consumption. The aggregate demand structure or market demand refers to the combined consumption responses of all consumers in the economy to the factors that determine the levels and changes in per capita consumption (Haidacher 1992, Johnson et al 1986). When the distinction between the micro- and macrolevel phenomena is not essential, the behaviour of both an individual and all consumers will be called demand

Background of food demand analysis in Finland
Objectives of the study
Food consumption in Finland in 1950-1991
Definition of commodity bundles and variables
Data sets
Budget shares
Volumes and prices
Determinants of consumer demand for food
System of choice: preferences and utility maximisation
Duality in deriving a demand system
Slutsky conditions for symmetry and negativity
Complete demand systems approach: literature review
Derivation of the Almost Ideal Demand System
Slutsky conditions on the AIDS
Dynamic AIDS
Switching static and dynamic AIDS
Aggregation over goods: separability and multi-stage budgeting
Specification of the hierarchic demand system
Elasticities of the AIDS
Estimation methods
System of demand for food products: model selection and evaluation
Selection of preferred specifications: testing parameter restrictions
Negativity condition
Parameter estimates
19 There are standard and ordinary-least-squares based
Within-group elasticities
Total elasticities
Elasticities compared with elasticities obtained in other studies
Introductory remarks
Forecasting accuracy
Projections of exogenous variables
Projected budget shares for 2000
Full Text
Paper version not known

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