
Public transit in the city of Al-Kut faces great challenges due to the weakness of the local government abilities in providing adequate conditions for public transport such as wide vehicles, comfortable seats, and other environmentally friendly means of transport that are almost non-use in the city of Kut, where the dependence is heavily on Mini Bus (Kia) and a medium-sized bus, most of which are old, do not operate in an integrated way, compete with each other for the passengers, reduce the flexibility of movement. This study attempts to estimate the demand for the proposed bus rapid route in the city of al Kut as a modern public transport that can contribute to reducing congestion in the city. In this study, the demand for the current public transport network lines in the city was studied, which are 12 lines using boarding / alighting values to determine passenger loads and assess flow on each route in the transportation network using the origin-destination (OD) data from on/off data, then repeat the application on the BRT route, this was done using assignment model in TransCAD software, where the results showed an estimated value for passenger demand on BRT route about 7,616 passengers/hour, which is equivalent to 40.12 % of the transport lines service.

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