
In this paper we investigate digital elevation model (DEM) sourcing requirements to compute gravity gradiometry terrain corrections accurate to 1Eötvös (Eö) at observation heights of 80m or more above ground. Such survey heights are typical in fixed-wing airborne surveying for resource exploration where the maximum signal-to-noise ratio is sought. We consider the accuracy of terrain corrections relevant for recent commercial airborne gravity gradiometry systems operating at the 10Eö noise level and for future systems with a target noise level of 1Eö. We focus on the requirements for the vertical gradient of the vertical component of gravity (Gdd) because this element of the gradient tensor is most commonly interpreted qualitatively and quantitatively.Terrain correction accuracy depends on the bare-earth DEM accuracy and spatial resolution. The bare-earth DEM accuracy and spatial resolution depends on its source. Two possible sources are considered: airborne LiDAR and Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM). The accuracy of an SRTM DEM is affected by vegetation height. The SRTM footprint is also larger and the DEM resolution is thus lower. However, resolution requirements relax as relief decreases. Publicly available LiDAR data and 1arc-second and 3arc-second SRTM data were selected over four study areas representing end member cases of vegetation cover and relief.The four study areas are presented as reference material for processing airborne gravity gradiometry data at the 1Eö noise level with 50m spatial resolution. From this investigation we find that to achieve 1Eö accuracy in the terrain correction at 80m height airborne LiDAR data are required even when terrain relief is a few tens of meters and the vegetation is sparse. However, as satellite ranging technologies progress bare-earth DEMs of sufficient accuracy and resolution may be sourced at lesser cost. We found that a bare-earth DEM of 10m resolution and 2m accuracy are sufficient for achieving 1Eö accuracy in the terrain correction independent of relief or vegetation cover. For AGG systems operating at greater noise levels the 3arc-second SRTM is adequate for areas having tens of meters of relief and sparse vegetation and even for areas of greater relief and sparse vegetation if a constant elevation survey is flown at 80m above terrain peak.

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