
A wind tunnel experiment was performed on a delta wing with a leading edge sweep of 70 deg. Unsteady pressures were measured on the suction surface of the wing as it was oscillated from 0-30 deg, and 2-60 deg angle-of-attack. Pressure coefficients were measured at different surface locations for two pitch rates. Static pressure measurements were also obtained for comparison with the dynamic results. The Reynolds number was fixed at 420,000, based on the centerline chord length. Pressure measurements were made from 35-90 percent of the chord, along a ray from the apex at 60 percent of the local semispan. Spanwise measurements were also made at a constant chord location, x/c = 75 percent from the apex. The unsteady pressure data over the 0-30 deg angle-of-attack range showed pressures fluctuating in phase with model motion, and little overshoot from the static values. The pressures for the large amplitude motion showed large overshoots from the static values. In addition, during the high angle-of-attack portion of the motion, the upstroke (angle of attack increasing) pressure coefficients were typically much lower than the downstroke values. For the lower pitch rate, there was little difference between upstroke and downstroke pressures at the low angles of attack.

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