
The Than Formation of the Early Cretaceous Saurashtra basin consists of an interbedded assemblage of sandstone, claystone, carbonaceous shale, and coal facies. Small-scale crossbedded and laminated mudstone/siltstone (Sr/Lm) facies are considered to have formed by down-current migration of small-scale subaqueous bedforms and overbank deposits of distributary channels. The planar and trough crossbedded sandstone lithofacies (Sp, St) formed by migration of sand dunes and transverse bars in distributary channels. Laminated to ripple-laminated siltstone (F1) facies with or without coaly stringers, alternate with fine clastics, are suggestive of flood deposits and abandoned interchannel plain of delta distributaries. The muddy carbonaceous shale (Fm) facies represents deposition largely in low-lying interchannel plains and backswamps. Peat coal (Pc) facies are interpreted as in-situ deposits in quiet-water conditions of sedimentation across a lake. The integrated results of lithofacies, texture, and palaeocurrent analysis suggest that Than strata were deposited in a prograding major delta distributary complex in lower and upper delta plain environments.

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