
The planthopper Delphacodes nigrifacies Muir, a species previously unreported from the United States, was collected in Florida from stands of Bahia grass (Paspalum notatum Flugge) and a mixed stand of St. Augustine grass (Stenotaphrum secundatum Kuntze) and Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon Pers.) from December 1984 to March 1986; it was reared in the laboratory and the immature stages described. D. nigrifacies feeds and reproduces on P. notatum and is apparently polyvoltine. Field collected adults were transferred to the laboratory and allowed to lay eggs on potted P. notatum. Upon emergence nymphs were separated and reared to adults. Durations of the five nymphal stadia were 3.95, 4.28, 4.59, 4.63, and 5.50 days, respectively. Nymphal instars differed in body size, number of pit-like sensoria, development of wingpads, number of metatibial and metatarsal spines, and the shape and dentition of the metatibial spur.

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