
Er:YAG laser system generating radiation in a free-running, long-pulse mode regime with the output energy up to 610 mJ and the wavelength in the mid-IR region was designed. As delivery systems, a fluorocarbon polymer-coated and a cyclic olefin polymer-coated silver hollow glass waveguides were used and the comparison of the radiation transmissions of these two waveguides and the articulated arm delivery system was made. ALl the delivery systems were ended by the focusing optics or by a special sapphire tip, for a non- contact and a contact treatment in the real applications, respectively. The output energy from these systems was in the range from 100 mJ up to 450 mJ. In the applications, the laser radiation was directed at a dental or an eye tissue. In the dental procedure, the differences between the contact and non-contact Er:YAG laser hard dental tissue preparation and also between the delivery system - articulated arm and waveguide-were verified. The influence of laser energy and number of pulses on profile and depth of drilled cavity was investigated. In the ophthalmologic surgery the contact and non-contact laser-phacoablation was investigated. The result show that the Er:YAG laser system could be a useful instrument in ophthalmology and dentistry.

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